Oracle Applications provides a way to alter the behavior of a process/business flow during run time by setting up a Profile option. The standard Oracle Applications code look for the value of profile option and depending upon the value, it takes appropriate decision. For example, we may want to setup different limits for different users for approval of a purchase order. In this case, we set the amount for each user in a standard profile option. During approval business process, Oracle Applications can look at this limit and take appropriate action.
Applications uses a set of profile options that are common to all the
application products. Further each module of Oracle Applications comes
with several pre-defined profile options. These profile options are set
with appropriate values during the module configuration by functional
expert. The value to be set for different standard profile options
depends on the business requirement.
profile options can be setup at Site, Application, Responsibility and
User level. If a profile is setup at multiple levels, the lowest level
value takes precedence over the higher level. For example, a profile
value setup at user level takes precedence over the profile value setup
at Responsibility level and so on.
addition to the standard profile options, it is also possible to define
custom profile options. The custom profiles can be used in custom code
developed during Oracle applications implementations. A custom profile
option is defined using Application developer responsibility.
Profile values are maintained by system administrator.
Business Uses Scenarios
Some of the real life business scenarios where profile options are used are as follows:
- A Profile option ‘Max Discount Percentage’ can be set against each Order entry clerk. Depending upon this value, Order entry clerk can give the discount to a customer.
- A profile option ‘Debug ON’ can be set to Yes or No. When it is set to Yes, program will run in the debug mode.
- A profile option ‘MO: Operating Unit’ can be set for each responsibility. When a user logs to that responsibility, he will see data only for that particular operating unit.
How to create a new profile
to Application Developer Responsibility and navigate to Profile
function. Press F11 to enter query and enter ‘CONC_SAVE_OUTPUT’. Press
Control F11 to execute the query. The following screen comes up:
The various fields used in the above screen are explained below:
Name: Profile
Code. This has to be unique in the system. This code is normally used
in the FND functions to derive the value of a profile option in PL/SQL
Application: Application Name to which profile is attached.
User Profile Name: Descriptive name of the profile
Description: Description of the profile
Hierarchy Type:
Hierarchy type defines the applicable levels where profiles can be set.
Profiles Hierarchy type and the corresponding hierarchy levels are
given in the below table:
Hierarchy Type
Applicable Levels
Site, Application, Responsibility, User
Site, Server, User
Site, Server, Responsibility, User
Site, Organization, User
a hierarchy type is selected, only the corresponding levels are
enabled. Further, the profile values are evaluated from bottom to top.
That means, for example, for a ‘Security’ hierarchy type, a profile
value set at user level will take precedence over the value set at
responsibility level, and the value set at responsibility level will
take precedence over the application level and so on.
Active Dates:
and end date of the profile. By Default, start date is system date and
end date is NULL. A profile can be disabled by putting an end date.
User Access:
profile value can be changed by user’s personal profile window also. In
these fields we decide if the end user can view the profile value and
if the value of the profile can be changed.
Visible : If checked, Profile will be visible to the end user
Updatable :
If checked, Profile can be updated by the end user. If not checked,
then only system administrator can set the value of the profile at user
SQL Validation
it is required to provide a list of values for setting the profile
option values. In this case, we can provide a SQL command to select the
values. For example, in the screen above, we have the following SQL:
SQL="select meaning \"Concurrent:Save Output\",lookup_code
into :visible_option_value,:profile_option_value
from fnd_lookups
where lookup_type = 'YES_NO'"
COLUMN="\"Concurrent:Save Output\"(*)"
the above SQL, :visible_option_value is the profile option value
visible to the user and :profile_option_value is the profile option
value that will be internally stored.
column alias is enclosed with slash and double quote at the beginning
and end of the column name if there is space in the name. The keyword
COLUMN is used to indicate which columns to show in the LOV. Column
length can be explicitly given or it can be dynamically derived by using
(*) after the column name. The following example shows the use of
COLUMN keyword.
COLUMN="Department(20), LOCATION(*)"
How to setup a profile value
values are setup using System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to
Profile => System, and Enter ‘Concurrent:Save Output’ in profile
filed. Click on FIND button. (If value needs to be setup at other
levels, corresponding level values can be entered before clicking on FIND button).
In the below screen, profile values can be setup at the appropriate value.
Technical details
Profile definition is stored in the following tables:
These tables can be joined by column PROFILE_OPTION_NAME.
The value for a profile is stored in the following table:
We can use the following statement to retrieve the value of a profile during run time:
l_profile_value := FND_PROFILE.VALUE(‘<Profile Short Name>’);
of the most widely used profile is ‘MO: Operating Unit’ Profile. This
profile has a code of ORG_ID. To get the value of current operating
unit, use the following statement:
l_org_id := FND_PROFILE.VALUE(‘ORG_ID’);
To set a particular operating unit (for example, in SQLPLUS or TOAD), use the following PL/SQL code:
--204 is the ORG_ID value.
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