Sunday 22 February 2015

Defining Program Incompatibility Rules

When a concurrent program is incompatible with another program, the two programs cannot access or update the same data simultaneously.
When you define a concurrent program, you can list those programs you want it to be incompatible with. You can also list the program as incompatible with itself, which means that two instances of the program cannot run simultaneously.
You can also make a program incompatible with all other concurrent programs by defining the program to be run-alone.
You define a concurrent program to be run-alone or to be incompatible with specific concurrent programs by editing the concurrent program’s definition using the Concurrent Programs window. See: Concurrent Programs.
Program incompatibility and run-alone program definitions are enforced using Conflict Domains.
Request Sets – Incompatibilities Allowed
When you define a request set or request set stage that allows incompatabilities, you create a concurrent program that runs the reports in your request set or stage according to the instructions you entered. Using the Concurrent Programs window, when you list programs as incompatible with a request set, those programs are prevented from starting until all the reports in the set or stage have completed running.
To define incompatibility rules for a request set and request set stage:
For a request set check the Allow Incompatibility check box on the Request Set window.
For a request set stage check the Allow Incompatibility check box on the Stages window.
Navigate to the Incompatible Programs block in the Concurrent Programs form and list those programs that your request set or stage is incompatible with.
All concurrent programs that run request sets are titled Request Set while all concurrent programs that run request set stages are titled Request Set Stage -Request Set . In the Concurrent Programs form, if you query a request set or stage concurrent program on the basis of the program’s name, you must enter in the Name field the words:
“Request Set” or “Request Set Stage” before the name of a concurrent program
“Request Set %” to perform a query on all request set and stage programs
1.Login as System Administration responsibility.
2.Navigate to Concurrent > Set
3.Query on desired Request Set. For Example: Test_Report_set
4.Check the “Allow Incompatibility” check box in the Run Options and then save this record.
This step will automatically create a new concurrent program, the naming convention will be of the form “Request Set Test_Report_set ”
5.Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.
6.Query on new concurrent program “Request Set Test_Report_set “, remembering the concurrent program name begins with “Request Set…”.
7.Click on ‘Incompatibilities’ button located at the bottom of the form
8.In the Incompatible Programs form specify the name of the concurrent program,”Request Set Test_Report_set”, in the Name column and the value in the Scope column should be ‘ Set ‘.
9.Save this record.
10.Test the request set incompatibility
Incompatible Programs Window
Identify programs that should not run simultaneously with your concurrent program because they might interfere with its execution. You can specify your program as being incompatible with itself. See: Administer Concurrent Managers.
Although the default for this field is the application of your concurrent program, you can enter any valid application name.
The program name and application you specify must uniquely identify a concurrent program.
Your list displays the user-friendly name of the program, the short name, and the description of the program.
Enter Set or Program Only to specify whether your concurrent program is incompatible with this program and all its child requests (Set) or only with this program (Program Only).
Type –
Enter Domain or Global. If you choose Domain, the incompatibility is resolved at a domain-specific level. If you choose Global, then this concurrent program will be considered globally incompatible with your concurrent program, regardless of which domain it is running in.
Session Control Form
Field Description
i) Consumer Group – resource consumer group of the concurrent program can be specified. A resource consumer group defines a set of users who have similar resource usage requirements. An overall resource plan specifies how resources are distributed among the different resource consumer groups. Resource consumer groups and resource plans provide a method for specifying how to partition processing resources among different users.
ii) Rollback Segment – Rollback segment specified here would be used instead of the default rollback segment. If you specify a rollback segment here, your concurrent program must use the APIs FND_CONCURRENT.AF_COMMIT and FND_CONCURRENT.AF_ROLLBACK to use the specified rollback segment.
iii) Optimizer mode – Optionally specify an optimizer mode. You can choose ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS, Rules, or Choose. You would specify an optimizer mode only for a custom program that may not perform well with the default cost-based optimizer (CBO) and needs tuning. You can use a different optimizer mode until your program is tuned for CBO.

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