Monday 12 January 2015

AutoInvoice Errors and Solutions

Message NameError String or PresentationComprehensive List of Known Causes
AR_BFB_TERM_BILL_LEVEL_WRONGBalance forward billing is enabled for this customer at the account level, but
is either disabled or not defined at site level.
Ensure that Balance Forward Billing is enabled at both the Account Level and Site Level profiles.

If balance forward is enabled at both Site and Account and this error message persists, you may be hitting the issue addressed in Patch 8235038.

If balance forward billing is enabled only at the Account level, you may be hitting the issue addresed in Patch 12325638

For additional details on this error message., please review Note 1053006.1, Error "Balance forward billing is enabled for this customer but disabled at the account site level" is raised when creating transactions for Balance Forward enabled customers
AR_BFB_TERM_NO_DEFAULTPlease set a default payment term for the customer, site, or transaction type.Please review Note 1171367.1, AutoInvoice Error: Please set a default payment term for the customer, site, or transaction type.
AR_CKAP_OVERAPPYou cannot over apply this transactionPlease refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_INVALID_PAY_EXT_IDInvalid payment extension ID.Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1220847.1
AR_INVALID_PAYMENT_TYPE_CODEInvalid payment type code.Please review Note 1280687.1, AutoInvoice Error: INVALID_PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE
AR_MAECM_LINE_OVERAPPLIEDYou can not apply more than the original line amountCheck whether there are other Credit memos, Receipts or Adjustments already applied to the Invoice that you are attempting to Credit via AutoInvoice.

Please refer to Note 1122945.1
AR_RAXINV_INVALID_PARAMETERSThe parameter &PARAM is not valid.Generic error raised when any of the AutoInvoice parameters cannot be validated.
AR_RAXTRX-1513(Null)Generic error message. 
AR_RAXTRX-1514None of the transaction flexfield contexts you have provided for this request have enabled segmentsNote 1077555.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Flexfields in AutoInvoice
AR_RAXTRX-1614Related transactions must have the same or related Bill To customersCheck the Bill-To customer associated, if this is for a Credit Memo, the Bill-To customer must match or must be related to the Bill-To customer of the invoice being credited.
AR_RAXTRX-1615The bill to customer of your transaction must be the same or related to the one of the commitmentCheck the Bill-To customer of the transaction being associated to the  commitment, they must match or must be related.
AR_RAXTRX-1616The currency code of your transaction must be the same as the currency code of the commitmentCheck the currency code of the transaction being associated to the  commitment, the currency codes must match.
AR_RAXTRX-1620You must supply a sales credit percentage when your batch source indicates you supply percentagesCheck whether you have set Amount or Percent for Sales Credit in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1068008.1, Creating Transaction Sources Used For AutoInvoice (review setting in Sales Credit Validation tab)Check whether you have supplied a value in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL SALES_CREDIT_PERCENT_SPLIT
AR_RAXTRX-1621Invalid salesrep number (SALESREP_NUMBER)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1622Invalid salesrep id (SALESREP_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1623Invalid sales credit type id (SALES_CREDIT_TYPE_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1624Your sales credit assignment must be for a transaction of line type LINECheck the values in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL
INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE*  and ensure the values are pointing to a record in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL where LINE_TYPE = LINE
AR_RAXTRX-1625Please enter quota sales credits that equal the line amount.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL SALES_CREDIT_AMOUNT_SPLIT ensure the value conforms to the precision of the currency.
AR_RAXTRX-1627Please enter quota sales credit percentages that equal 100 percent for this line.Check the total of RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL
SALES_CREDIT_PERCENT_SPLIT associated to a particular transaction line is 100.
AR_RAXTRX-1628You must supply a value for the sales credit amountEnsure you are passing a non-null value in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL SALES_CREDIT_AMOUNT_SPLIT
AR_RAXTRX-1629You must supply sales credit assignments for this transaction because the system option Require Salesreps is set to Yes.Ensure that you have provided sales credit data in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL linked to your data in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.INTERFACE_LINE_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1655Invalid tax exempt reason code (TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE)Note 750064.1, Using and Troubleshooting Tax Exemptions in R 12 E-Business Tax (EBTax)
AR_RAXTRX-1659Tax code must be active, adhoc, and of type VAT or SALES TAXCheck the value passed in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL TAX_CODE exists in AR_VAT_TAX
This error is only relevant in 11.5
AR_RAXTRX-1664All enabled segments of Transaction Flexfield must have a valueReview Note 1068344.1, Setting Up Receivables Descriptive Flexfields
validate Line Transaction Flexfield setup, then check that the data in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL passes a value for each of the enabled segments.
AR_RAXTRX-1665AThis line has the same transaction flexfield as another row in the interface table. For each transaction line, the combination of interface_line_context and interface_line_attribute values must be unique.Check that the combination of values in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT + INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* is unique.

For tips on how to investigate this error, please review:
Note 1339318.1, Autoinvoice Error: This line has the same transaction flexfield as another row in the interface table 
AR_RAXTRX-1665B"This line has the same transaction flexfield as another invoice within Receivables. For each transaction line in Receivables, the combination of interface_line_context and interface_line_attribute values must be unique."Check that the combination of values in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT + INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* does not yet exist in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL
AR_RAXTRX-1666Your credit memo transaction can only credit an invoice or a debit memo lineCheck the values in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 and REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT,  the record identified by these values has to be an Invoice or a Debit Memo.
AR_RAXTRX-1667Your debit memo transaction cannot be against a commitment, or credit any other transactionDebit memos should not have values in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL  REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 and REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT
AR_RAXTRX-1668An invoice can only reference a commitmentReview Note 755834.1, AutoInvoice Error: An Invoice Can Only Reference A Commitment
AR_RAXTRX-1669The valid account class for this line type is 'CHARGES'Check that the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE =  'CHARGES'
AR_RAXTRX-1670You must supply a charges account for your charges line if you have not set up AutoAccounting for revenue accountCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Revenue Account which will be used by Charges.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Charges, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the CHARGES distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1671Invalid account class (ACCOUNT_CLASS)Check that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
REV, FREIGHT, TAX, REC, UNBILL (for Arrears), UNEARN (for Advance), CHARGES
AR_RAXTRX-1672The valid account classes are: REV, FREIGHT, TAX and RECCheck that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
AR_RAXTRX-1673The valid account classes are: REV, FREIGHT, TAX, REC and UNEARNCheck that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
AR_RAXTRX-1674The valid account classes are: REV, FREIGHT, TAX, REC and UNBILLCheck that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
AR_RAXTRX-1675The total distribution amount for a transaction line must equal the transaction amountCheck that the sum of  RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.AMOUNT for a specific INTERFACE_LINE_ID value matches the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.AMOUNT
AR_RAXTRX-1676The total distribution percent for a transaction line must be 100 for each account classCheck that the sum of RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.PERCENT for a specific INTERFACE_LINE_ID, ACCOUNT_CLASS and ORG_ID is 100
AR_RAXTRX-1677You can only supply one freight account for a transaction of line type FREIGHTWhen providing Freight you can interface a FREIGHT line either at the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL level or the RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL level, you cannot provide at both levels
AR_RAXTRX-1678You must supply a value for the distribution amountIf you intend to pass in the distributions you want the transactions to use, check that you have provided a non-null value for RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.AMOUNT.

On the other hand, if you would like AutoInvoice to derive all the GL distributions from the AutoAccounting setup, then make sure you are not passing any rows in the RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table.
AR_RAXTRX-1679You must supply a distribution percentage when your batch source indicates you supply percentages, or when your transaction uses an accounting ruleEnsure that you provide a value in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS.PERCENT when your invoice has an Accounting Rule or the ACCOUNT_CLASS = 'REC'
AR_RAXTRX-1680The valid account classes for this line type are: 'REV', 'UNBILL' and 'REC'Check that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
AR_RAXTRX-1681The valid account classes for this line type are: 'REV', 'UNEARN' and 'REC'Check that the value provided in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS is one of the following:
AR_RAXTRX-1682The valid account class for this line type is 'TAX'Check that for the INTERFACE_LINE_ID value, if  RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE = 'TAX', then RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS should be 'TAX'
AR_RAXTRX-1683The valid account class for this line type is 'FREIGHT'Check that for the INTERFACE_LINE_ID value, if RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE = 'FREIGHT', then RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS should be 'FREIGHT'
AR_RAXTRX-1685You must supply a freight account for your freight line if you have not set up AutoAccounting for freight accountCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Freight Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Freight, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the FREIGHT distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1686You must supply a tax account for your tax line if you have not set up AutoAccounting for tax accountCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Tax Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Tax, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the TAX distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1687You must supply a receivables account for your document if you have not set up AutoAccounting for receivables accountCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Receivables Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Receivables, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the REC distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1688You must supply a revenue account for your line if you have not set up AutoAccounting for revenue accountCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Revenue Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Revenue, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the REV distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1689You must supply an unbilled account for your line if you have not defined an unbilled account in AutoAccountingCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Unbilled Revenue Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Unbilled Revenue, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the UNBILL distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1690You can supply at most one Receivables account for a transaction (an invoice, a debit memo or a credit memo)Check for a distinct combination of INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT + INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields that there is only one REC distribution in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.
AR_RAXTRX-1691You must supply an unearned account for your line if you have not defined an unearned account in AutoAccountingCheck how you have setup AutoAccounting (see Note 1069052.1and Note 1080995.1), then validate that you have completed the setup for the Unearned Revenue Account.

If you do not wish to use AutoAccounting for Unearned Revenue, then you must provide a corresponding record in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL and supply a value in CODE_COMBINATION_ID or the corresponding SEGMENT* fields for the UNEARN distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1692The document created must have a non-negative total amount because the creation sign for your transaction type is PositivePlease refer to troubleshooting details in Note 568095.1

Also, validate the Creation Sign of the Transaction type used by this transaction (see Note 1067797.1), if the creation sign is defined as Positive Sign, then the total of RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.EXTENDED_AMOUNT for this transaction must be a positive amount.
AR_RAXTRX-1693The document created must have a non-positive total amount because the creation sign for your transaction type is NegativeValidate the Creation Sign of the Transaction type used by this transaction (see Note 1067797.1), if the creation sign is defined as Negative Sign, then the total of RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.EXTENDED_AMOUNT for this transaction must be a negative amount.
AR_RAXTRX-1694The total amount of your credit memo cannot exceed the balance of the debit item it is creditingPlease refer to Note 1122945.1
AR_RAXTRX-1695You cannot apply a transaction with a negative amount to another transaction with a negative balance and vice versaPlease review Note 1174659.1 AutoInvoice Error: You cannot apply a transaction with a negative amount to another transaction with a negative balance and vice versa.
AR_RAXTRX-1696A credit memo created with a positive total amount cannot credit an invoice which is against a commitmentCheck the following:
- is interface data for a credit memo?
- is the amount of the credit memo positive?
- is it to credit an invoice that was drawn against a commitment?
If you answer Yes to all of the above, then you cannot interface such a credit memo. AutoInvoice will not allow you to "positive-credit" an invoice drawn against a commitment which effectively makes it balance bigger.
AR_RAXTRX-1697An invoice against a commitment cannot have a negative total amountCheck the following:
- is interface data for an invoice?
- is the amount of the invoice negative?
- are the REFERENCE fields pointing to a commitment?

If you answer Yes to all of the above, then you cannot interface such an invoice. AutoInvoice will not allow you to draw from a commitment a negative amount.
AR_RAXTRX-1698The Receivables account of your credit transaction must be the same as that of the transaction being credited, if the credit transaction has the Open Receivables Flag set to NoThe CODE_COMBINATION_ID values used for the REC account for both credit memo and invoice have to match when Open Receivables Flag = No.

If passing in the distributions, the CODE_COMBINATION_ID of the credit memo's REC account has to match the value of the Invoice's REC account.
AR_RAXTRX-1699You can have at most one Freight transaction line at either the line level or the invoice level, but not at both levels.If you need to create an invoice with Freight, ensure that you provide a FREIGHT line either at the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL level or the RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL level and not both. If provided at the distribution level, each transaction can only have one freight distribution.
AR_RAXTRX-1706BFor each manual tax line, you must include either a tax code, or a combination of the tax regime, tax, tax status, tax jurisdiction, and tax rate code.For RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE = 'TAX', check that you have provided either a tax code, or a combination of the tax regime, tax, tax status, tax jurisdiction, and tax rate code.

For details on how to pass Manual tax lines, please review Note 731149.1
AR_RAXTRX-1707Invalid memo line name (MEMO_LINE_NAME)Check that the value you have populated into MEMO_LINE_NAME exists in AR_MEMO_LINES.NAME
AR_RAXTRX-1708Invalid memo line id (MEMO_LINE_ID)Check that the value you have populated into MEMO_LINE_ID exists in AR_MEMO_LINES.MEMO_LINE_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1709The entered amount does not have the correct currency precisionCheck the precision of the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL AMOUNT has a decimal precision that matches the currency's precision.
AR_RAXTRX-1710The supplied accounted amount does not match the amount calculated by AutoInvoice within the specified tolerance.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS.ACCTD_AMOUNT and verify if this value when rounded using the currency precision or the minimum accountable unit of the currency will still yield the same amount.
AR_RAXTRX-1711Invalid ledger id (SET_OF_BOOKS_ID)Check the value you passed in for SET_OF_BOOKS_ID and verify whether that is a valid value.

You can compare this value with manual transactions you create via the transactions form, see RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1713The supplied amount must match unit selling price times the quantity when you do not use an AutoInvoice Clearing account.Receivables uses the AutoInvoice clearing account to store any differences between the specified revenue amount and the price times the quantity for imported invoice lines.
Receivables only uses the AutoInvoice clearing account if you enabled the Create Clearing option for the batch source of your imported invoices; however, you must define a clearing
account in either case. You can select constant, customer
bill-to site, salesperson, transaction type, and standard item
values for your AutoInvoice clearing account. If you select
salesperson or standard item, the Revenue Flexfield that
you specified in the setup window is used.

Review your batch source definition, see Note 1068008.1 to check if you enabled Create Clearing. Also, check that the values you entered in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL for unit_selling_price * quantity = amount
AR_RAXTRX-1716You cannot supply payment terms for your credit memo transaction
Please review Note 1174094.1, AutoInvoice Error: You cannot supply payment terms for your credit memo transaction.
AR_RAXTRX-1717You cannot supply invoicing and accounting rules for your on account credit memo transactionYou cannot associate Accounting/Invoicing rules to On-Account credit memos, please review Note 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1720The Open Receivable flag of your credit memo must match the flag of the transaction you are creditingCheck the Open Receivables flag setting of the transaction type of the Credit Memo as well as the invoice it is crediting, both need to have the same setting. See Note 1090878.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Types In Oracle Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1721You must supply unit of measure for transactions with itemsWhen RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is not null, a value has to be provided in UOM_CODE.
AR_RAXTRX-1722You must supply payment terms for your non-credit transactionReview Note 1171284.1, AutoInvoice Error: You Must Supply Payment Terms For Your Non-credit Transaction.
AR_RAXTRX-1728You must supply an accounting rule duration when you supply an accounting rule of type Variable Duration.When using a fixed duration rule, there is no need to populate ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION, to fix this you should null out the value in ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION.
AR_RAXTRX-1729The supplied unit of measure and the primary unit of measure of your system item must share the same unit of measure classThe RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.UOM_CODE must exist in MTL_ITEM_UOMS_VIEW
AR_RAXTRX-1731You must supply the amount for this transactionRA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.AMOUNT has to be populated for FREIGHT or LINE records
AR_RAXTRX-1734Quantity, unit_selling_price, and amount must be null or zero for tax-only and freight-only linesIf RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE is TAX or FREIGHT, then the following fields should be null or zero: AMOUNT, QUANTITY, UNIT_SELLING_PRICE
AR_RAXTRX-1735Accounting rule duration must be a positive integerCheck that RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.ACCOUNTING_RULE_DURATION is not a negative number.
AR_RAXTRX-1740Invalid related document value (RELATED_TRX_NUMBER)Check the values populated in RA_INTERFACE_LINES.RELATED_BATCH_SOURCE_NAME and RELATED_TRX_NUMBER. Find the corresponding record in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL where TRX_NUMBER = RELATED_TRX_NUMBER, check the value in BATCH_SOURCE_ID and cross reference to RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL. The batch name of the related transaction's source has to match what was passed in RELATED_BATCH_SOURCE_NAME
AR_RAXTRX-1741Invalid related document id (RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID)Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, you should be able to locate a record in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL where CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1742Duplicate invoice numberThe value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.TRX_NUMBER has to be unique for the same BATCH_SOURCE_ID. Check if there already exists a row in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL or another row within the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table having the same BATCH_SOURCE_ID and TRX_NUMBER
AR_RAXTRX-1743Duplicate document numberThis error is raised when there exists a duplicate document number under a different request id, check the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.DOCUMENT_NUMBER.
AR_RAXTRX-1744You must enter a document number.You need to provide a value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.DOCUMENT_NUMBER
AR_RAXTRX-1745The supplied accounted amount does not have the correct currency precisionCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCTD_AMOUNT and ensure the currency precision matches the definition for the currency code.
AR_RAXTRX-1746The two linked transactions must have the same ledger idThe Ledger ID of the transaction and the transaction it is linked to via REFERENCE* fields should match, check RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1747The two linked transactions must have the same currency codeThe currency codes of the transaction and the transaction it is linked to via REFERENCE_* fields should match, check RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CURRENCY_CODE
AR_RAXTRX-1748The transaction to which you link this transaction must have the line type LINE.Check that the record pointed to by the values in LINK_TO_* fields has RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES.LINE_TYPE = LINE
AR_RAXTRX-1749You cannot supply any transactions in a non-functional currency if you have not set up both realized gains account and realized losses accountCheck that you have setup the Realized Gain/Losses accounts in System Options.

Navigation: Setup > System > System Options (in Accounting tab)
AR_RAXTRX-1750You must either pass amounts for all the compound tax lines or not pass any amounts at allWhen supplying interface data for the AMOUNT of compounding taxes, you must supply for all TAX lines or not at all. If your supplied TAX lines is incomplete, it is better to just null out all the TAX amounts and have the tax engine calculate.
AR_RAXTRX-1753Conversion rate for the given date, currency code, ledger and conversion type has not been definedCheck the conversion rates table and ensure you have a record setup for the date, currency code, ledger and conversion type required.

Navigation: Setup > Financials > Accounting > Currencies > Rates > Daily
AR_RAXTRX-1756"This inventory item has Invoice Enabled flag set to No. Please set the Invoice Enabled flag in the Items window to Yes for this inventory item. "Check the setup of the Inventory Item to ensure that the Invoice Enabled flag is set to Yes, see Note 1069052.1, Setting Up AutoAccounting Rules In Receivables [Video]
AR_RAXTRX-1757The document sequencing feature is enabled, but no 'Automatic' document sequence exists within Oracle Receivables for this document category and date.The System Profile Option: Sequential Numbering is set to Always Used, but there is no Automatic Sequence defined. Please reviewNote 1086565.1,  How To Setup Document Sequences In Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1761The supplied payment method must be defined and active for the bill-to customer or site.
  1. Check that the RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME or RECEIPT_METHOD_ID you provided is valid and active for your customer.
  2. If at the time of ship confirm in Order Management you did not provide a valid receipt method, a record will be created in RA_CUST_RECEIPT_METHODS with RECEIPT_METHOD_ID  = 0 and this record will be assigned to the customer account. When AutoInvoice attempts to process this record, the invalid receipt method causes the error to be raised.

    To avoid this, you need to enter a valid receipt method on the Order (Sales Order Form, Payments section) before shipping the order to ensure the correct receipt method is assigned to the customer.
AR_RAXTRX-1762Your transaction currency must match one of the currencies which are associated with the receipt method.Check the currencies associated to the banks used by the receipt method and ensure the currency you are passing is valid.
AR_RAXTRX-1763When the receipt method is of type Automatic, you must either supply a valid bank account or ensure that a primary bank account for the currency code of the transaction has been set up for the Bill To customerReview Note 1072672.1, AutoInvoice Error: When the receipt method is of type Automatic, you must either supply a valid bank account or ensure that a primary bank account for the currency code of the transaction has been set
AR_RAXTRX-1764The GL date of your invoice against a commitment cannot be prior to the GL date of the commitment itselfCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.GL_DATE and cross-check against the Commitment's GL_DATE as referred to by the values in REFERENCE_* fields and ensure the Invoice's GL_DATE comes on or after the GL_DATE of the commitment.
AR_RAXTRX-1765The transaction date of your commitment invoice cannot be prior to the transaction date of the commitmentCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.TRX_DATE and cross-check against the Commitment's TRX_DATE as referred to by the values in REFERENCE_* fields and ensure the Invoice's TRX_DATE comes on or after the TRX_DATE of the commitment.
AR_RAXTRX-1766The Last Period to Credit must be greater than 0 but less than the accounting rule duration of the invoice line you are creditingCheck the value in RA_INTERFACES_LINES_ALL.LAST_PERIOD_TO_CREDIT has to be a value between 1 and the total number of durations of the invoice being credited.
AR_RAXTRX-1767Unit credit memos can only be applied to invoices that use rulesNote 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1768You must supply a quantity to credit when passing Unit credit memosCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_ACCT_RULE is PRORATE, LIFO, UNIT
AR_RAXTRX-1770The GL date of your credit memo transaction cannot be prior to the GL date of the invoice it is creditingCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.GL_DATE and cross-check against the Invoice's GL_DATE as referred to by the values in  REFERENCE_* fields and ensure the credit memo's GL_DATE comes on or after the GL_DATE of the invoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1771CM date cannot precede the date of the transaction being creditedCheck the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.TRX_DATE and cross-check against the Invoice's TRX_DATE as referred to by the values in  REFERENCE_* fields and ensure the credit memo's TRX_DATE comes on or after the TRX_DATE of the invoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1772The bill to customer of your credit memo transaction must be the same or related to the one of the invoice it is creditingPlease refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1773You cannot supply any account assignment for your credit memo transaction when the system option 'Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos' is YesPlease review details in Note 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1774The valid values for credit method for accounting rule are: PRORATE, LIFO and UNITPlease review details in Note 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1775The valid values for credit method for installments are: LIFO, FIFO and PRORATEPlease review details in Note 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX-1776The line type of your credit memo transaction must match the line type of the invoice line or debit memo line it is creditingCheck that the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE for the credit memo data, matches the value in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE of the invoice or debit memo being credited as referred to by the values in REFERENCE_* fields.
AR_RAXTRX-1777The currency code of your credit memo transaction must match the currency code of the invoice line or debit memo line it is creditingCheck that the currency of the credit memo matches the currency of the invoice it is crediting.
AR_RAXTRX-1778You cannot supply territory flexfield data because the territory flexfield is not defined.Check that the territory flexfield is active and frozen. Please review details in Note 432817.1, Is The Territory Flexfield Required
AR_RAXTRX-1779Credit memo charges lines can only be applied to debit memo charges linesRecords with RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE = CHARGES should have the REFERENCE_* fields pointing to a Debit Memo's record which also has LINE_TYPE = CHARGES.
AR_RAXTRX-1780You must supply the same transaction code as the one to which this transaction is linked.The value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE has to match the value in the record pointed to by the LINK_TO* fields
AR_RAXTRX-1781You must supply a valid transaction code for this lineCheck that the value in USSGL_TRANSACTION code is valid.
AR_RAXTRX-1782You must define a period for this GL dateCheck that the GL_DATE you provided falls in a valid GL period. Please review details in Note 1069057.1, How To Manage Receivables Accounting Periods
AR_RAXTRX-1783"Please define all periods in which revenue is to be recognized or credited. Note that revenue cannot be recognized or credited in closed and close pending periods."Please refer to Note 455691.1, AutoInvoice & Transaction Workbench Error: Please Define All Periods In Which Revenue Is To Be Recognized Or Credited
AR_RAXTRX-1784Overlapping periods for the accounting rule and first GL date exist.Check the GL periods defined and ensure there are no overlapping dates. Please review details in Note 1069057.1, How To Manage Receivables Accounting Periods
AR_RAXTRX-1785You cannot supply a GL date if the Post To GL option for your transaction type is NoCheck the setup of the transaction type, see Note 1090878.1
and review value in Post to GL, you should not pass in a GL_DATE if this is not checked for your transaction type.
AR_RAXTRX-1791Unable to adjust your gl date which is in a closed period to a non-closed periodCheck your GL periods to ensure that there is at least one open period that comes after the GL_DATE you provided which happens to fall in a closed period.
AR_RAXTRX-1792Unable to derive a gl date for your transaction. Please ensure that your transaction is in a gl period which you have definedPlease refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1793You must set up AutoAccounting for AutoInvoice Clearing account if your batch source allows AutoInvoice clearingCheck that you have completed the AutoAccounting setup for AutoInvoice Clearing, please review details in Note 1069052.1, Setting Up AutoAccounting Rules In Receivables [Video]
AR_RAXTRX-1795Ensure that supplied rule start date will generate GL Dates that are in Open or Future periods when the GL Date in a Closed Period option is set to Reject in the Transaction Sources window.The code is unable to derive a GL Date, please review Note 201241.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Date Derivation: GL Date, Invoice Date, Due Date, Ship Date, Billing Date, Rule Date
AR_RAXTRX-1796Invoice lines with the same document number have been separated by the grouping process, causing duplicate document numbersCheck the grouping rules you have defined, please review Note 1084554.1 and check why records with common document number values ended up getting split up into multiple invoices instead of being created as one invoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1797Transaction lines with the same transaction number have been separated by the grouping process, causing duplicate transaction numbersCheck the grouping rules you have defined, please review Note 1084554.1 and check why records with common transaction number values ended up getting split up into multiple invoices instead of being created as one invoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1800Cannot apply credit memo because invoice status is Incomplete.Check the status of the invoice referred to by the REFERENCE_* fields, you can only apply to it if it's COMPLETE_FLAG = Y
AR_RAXTRX-1801Cannot apply the credit memo because the invoice is locked by another user. Please try again later.Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
AR_RAXTRX-1802The tax line of the credit memo does not have a link to the invoice.The credit memo's tax line is not properly linked to the invoice's tax line.

Note 1286966.1, AutoInvoice Error: The tax line of the credit memo does not have a link to the invoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1810All of the transactions in a single group must be for the same Bill-to Customer.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CONS_BILLING_NUMBER and ensure that rows having identical values all have the same value in  ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1811The Imported Billing Number you entered already exists in the system. Please enter a unique Imported Billing Number.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CONS_BILLING_NUMBER and ensure that it does not yet exist in AR_CONS_INV_ALL or another record in the interface table
AR_RAXTRX-1812All of the transactions in a single group must be for the same Bill-to address.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CONS_BILLING_NUMBER and ensure that rows having identical values all have the same value in ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1813Consolidated billing is enabled for this customer or bill-to site, therefore you cannot import bills.You can only import a value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CONS_BILLING_NUMBER if the Bill Type is Imported. Please review details in Note 761180.1
AR_RAXTRX-1814Customer or Bill-to must be enabled to import billing number.Ensure that the customer is consolidated billing (for Release 11.5) or balance forward billing enabled (for Release 12).
AR_RAXTRX-1815"The distributions for this transaction are in the functional currency, but the entered amount does not equal the accounted amount. Please recalculate the accounted amount for this transaction and resubmit AutoInvoice."Check the values in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS.AMOUNT and ACCTD_AMOUNT, these values should match if transaction is in the functional currency
AR_RAXTRX-1816The payment set ID is invalid because it was not generated by the Receipt APIThe value provided in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.PAYMENT_SET_ID must exist in AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL.PAYMENT_SET_ID
AR_RAXTRX-1817Only invoices can be associated with a payment set ID. Please remove the ID associated with this transaction.The transaction type associated to the record for which you have provided a PAYMENT_SET_ID value must have type = INV
AR_RAXTRX-1819Please review all invoices that share this invoice's consolidated billing number and correct any errors before resubmitting AutoInvoice.There are other interface records that have already been tagged with errors that have the same value in CONS_BILLING_NUMBER as this row, you are advised to review these records prior to re-running AutoInvoice.
AR_RAXTRX-1820Please do not supply a GL date when the invoicing rule is Bill in Arrears.If INVOICING_RULE_ID = -3 you should not provide a GL_DATE
AR_RAXTRX-1821You cannot create a nonpostable credit memo against a postable invoice.Check the setup of the transaction type, see Note 1090878.1
and review value in Post to GL, the value for the setup at the credit memo should match the setup of the invoice it is crediting.
AR_RAXTRX-1827Others exception occured in Tax Accounting routine during Adjustment/Application Accounting. Please contact oracle support.An unhandled exception has been raised in the tax engine. To help pinpoint cause of error provide a tax debug log using review Note 417238.1 How to obtain debug logfile for R12 E-Business Tax

Also review Note 1215245.1, AutoInvoice Error: Others exception occured in Tax Accounting routine during Adjustment/Application Accounting.
AR_RAXTRX_BAD_ACC_CLASSThe accounting distributions for this transaction are linked to the wrong type of line.Check the value in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.ACCOUNT_CLASS synchronize to the values of RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE
AR_RAXTRX_CONV_CMReceivables automatically converted this credit memo to euro. The next time you run AutoInvoice, Receivables will import this as an on-account credit.Interface data was using a currency that has since been replaced by EURO. The currency code will be overridden with EUR.
AR_RAXTRX_DUPLICATE_CM_LINESeparate lines on the same credit memo cannot credit an invoice line more than onceYou are attempting to credit an invoice multiple times via the same credit memo. Please review Note 1322932.1.
AR_RAXTRX_INV_INCL_FLAG_CODEThe Tax Code does not allow override of the amount includes tax flag.You cannot set AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG to a value that contradicts the setup in AR_VAT_TAX.AMOUNT_INCLUDE_TAX_FLAG for the TAX_CODE used
AR_RAXTRX_INV_INCL_FLAG_GRPYou cannot set the amount includes tax flag when using a Tax Group.You cannot set AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG if using a Tax group.
AR_RAXTRX_INV_INCL_FLAG_MANYou cannot import manual tax lines with tax inclusive amounts.Importing Manual tax lines is not allowed if tax code is for Inclusive tax
AR_RAXTRX_INV_WAREHOUSEInvalid Warehouse ID (WAREHOUSE_ID)Please review details in Note 1089026.1, AutoInvoice Error: Invalid Warehouse Id (Warehouse_id) (xxx)
AR_RAXTRX_INVAL_EXEMPTYou can enter E (exempt) in the tax_exempt_flag column only if a value exists in the tax_exempt_number column and the eBTax Product Options allow override of customer exemptions.Check the value in TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG_COLUMN.

Also verify the following setup:
Responsibility: Tax Managers
Navigation: Defaults and Controls > Application Tax Options

1. Search for Application name = Receivables, Click Go
2. Select the appropriate Operating Unit from the retrieved list,  and click on the Update icon.
3. In the Others section, ensure the check box Allow Override and Entry of Customer Exemptions is checked.
4. Apply
AR_RAXTRX_LINE_OVERAPPA credit memo is attempting to overapply a specific transaction line, but overapplication is not allowed.You are attempting to credit an invoice such that the balance of the invoice switches signs from the original amount. Please review details in Note 1110573.1, Troubleshooting Credit Memos in Receivables
AR_RAXTRX_OPEN_DEPOSITPlease complete the deposit or guarantee for this line and run the AutoInvoice process again.Check that COMPLETE_FLAG = Y for the commitment/deposit referenced by the values in REFERENCE_*
AR_RAXTRX_PROFILE_ERRYou must assign a value to the &PROFILE profile option.Generic error when System Profile options are not setup and a value is required.
AR_RAXTRX_PROFILE_WARNYou have not assigned a value for &PROFILE profile option. The default value will be used.Generic warning when System Profile options are not setup and default value will be used instead.
AR_RAXTRX_REJECTED_INVThe related invoice has validation errors.Generic error raised when the record referred to by REFERENCE_* values has validation errors as listed in RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL
AR_RAXTRX_RSD_LT_REDA rule's end date cannot precede its start date.Check that the RULE_END_DATE comes after the RULE_START_DATE
AR_RAXTRX_RULE_END_DATE_VALA rule end date is required when using the Daily Revenue Rate rule.When using an Accounting rule associated with Daily Revenue Rate, you need to provide a value in RULE_END_DATE
AR_RAXTRX_RULE_START_DT_NULLA rule start date is required when using the Daily Revenue Rate rule.When using an Accounting rule associated with Daily Revenue Rate, you need to provide a value in RULE_START_DATE
AR_RAXTRX_UNIT_OVERAPPPlease enter a unit selling price for this credit line that is less than the unit selling price for its target invoice line.When crediting an invoice, the UNIT_SELLING_PRICE for the credit memo records cannot exceed the unit selling price of the invoice. Check the UNIT_SELLING_PRICE in the invoice you are crediting and ensure that the credit amount does not exceed it.

Please review Note 1145259.1
AR_RAXTRX_ZERO_VS_COMMITYou cannot import this invoice because the invoice amount that is allocated to the specified commitment is zero.Check the AMOUNT associated with the invoice being drawn against a commitment and ensure it is more than zero.
AR_TAPI_BFB_INVALID_TERMPayment terms defined with a billing cycle cannot be used for customers who are not set up for balance forward billing.Originally, Balance Forward Payment terms could only be used by Balance Forward enabled customers. Code changes were made to lift this restriction and patches are required to get the new behavior.

Please review the following notes:
Note 1052906.1, How to implement payment terms with cutoff days in R12

Note 1152723.1, AutoInvoice Error: Payment terms defined with a billing cycle cannot be used for customers who are not set up for balance forward billing.
C-1500Error calling &FUNC_NAMEGeneric error message raised during any failure from a function.
C-1501Failed to allocate memory for &VAR_NAMEGeneric error message raised for memroy issues.
C-1502&VAR_NAME should be &VALUEGeneric error message raised for invalid values.
C-1503Invalid argument - &VAR_NAMEGeneric error message raised for invalid values.
C-1504Null &VAR_NAMEGeneric error message raised for invalid values.
C-1505Batch source is not definedNote 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice
C-1506Ledger is not set upThere is no record setup in GL_SET_OF_BOOKS for the SET_OF_BOOKS_ID in AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL
C-1507VARCHAR for &VAR_NAME is not long enoughGeneric error when string value is not long enough
C-1511The given piece memory is not large enough to hold a single rowGeneric error when memory cannot accomodate data
C-1512Please increase the value for the profile option 'AutoInvoice: Maximum Memory (in bytes)'Note 1083467.1, How To Setup AutoInvoice For Optimal Performance
C-1550Request &REQUEST_ID completed with errorGeneric error when a Request completes in error
C-1551Request &REQUEST_ID deletedGeneric error when a Request is deleted
C-1552Request &REQUEST_ID has an unknown statusGeneric error when a Request has undetermined status
C-1553Request &REQUEST_ID could not be foundGeneric error when a Request cannot be found
C-1580Detail posting has been disabled for your Accounting FlexfieldCheck the setup General Ledger setup for the GL account to validate if posting in Detail is allowed
C-1581Invalid extra column nameGeneric error regarding a invalid column
C-1582Invalid segment name - &SEGMENTGeneric error regarding a flexfield segment
C-1583You cannot create this &FLEXNAME because dynamic insertion has been disabledGeneric error when Accounting Flexfield cannot be created since Dynamic Insertion is not allowed.
C-1584Zero row in the main cache is not allowedGeneric error in main cache
C-1585The value of &VAR_NAME is too large for this operating systemGeneric error when string is too large for variable to accomodate
C-1586You must supply an unique id for your &FLEXNAMEGeneric error regarding flexfield ID
C-1587Cross validation for your key flexfield failedGeneric error when GL account cross validation fails
C-1589You cannot supply a blank &FLEXNAMEGeneric error for Flexfield name
C-1590The supplied &FLEXNAME has been disabledGeneric error when flexfield referenced is inactive
C-1591The supplied &FLEXNAME has expiredGeneric error when flexfield referenced is end-dated
C-1593Invalid &FLEXNAMEGeneric error when flexfield name is invalid
C-1594You cannot supply summary account for your Accounting FlexfieldCheck the setup General Ledger setup for the GL account to validate if posting in Summary is allowed
C-1600Invalid sold to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1601Invalid sold to customer id (ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1602Invalid bill to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1603Invalid bill to customer id (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1604The Bill To address reference must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1605The Bill To address id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1606The Bill To contact reference must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1607The Bill To contact id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1608Invalid ship to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1609Invalid ship to customer id (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1610The supplied ship to address reference must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must agree with the supplied ship to customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1611The supplied ship to address id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must agree with the supplied ship to customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1612The supplied ship to contact reference must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must agree with the supplied ship to customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_REF)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1613The supplied ship to contact id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must agree with the supplied ship to customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1630Invalid transaction type name (CUST_TRX_TYPE_NAME)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1631Invalid transaction type id (CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1634Invalid primary salesrep number (PRIMARY_SALESREP_NUMBER)Please refer to troubleshooting details in Note 1089172.1
C-1635Invalid primary salesrep id (PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID)Check RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID is not null
C-1636Invalid invoicing rule name (INVOICING_RULE_NAME)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Invoicing Rule in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review settings in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in RA_RULES.NAME
C-1637Invalid invoicing rule id (INVOICING_RULE_ID)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Invoicing Rule in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in RA_RULES.RULE_ID
C-1638Invalid payment terms name (TERM_NAME)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Payment Terms in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in RA_TERMS.NAME
C-1639Invalid payment terms id (TERM_ID)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Payment Terms in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provide exists in RA_TERMS.TERM_ID
C-1640Invalid unit of measure name (UOM_NAME)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Unit of Measure in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Other Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE.UNIT_OF_MEASURE
C-1641Invalid unit of measure code (UOM_CODE)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Unit of Measure in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Other Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE.UOM_CODE
C-1642Invalid agreement name (AGREEMENT_NAME)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Agreement in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Other Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in SO_AGREEMENTS.NAME
C-1643Invalid agreement id (AGREEMENT_ID)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Agreement in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Other Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in SO_AGREEMENTS.AGREEMENT_ID
C-1644Invalid accounting rule name (ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Accounting Rule in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in RA_RULES.NAME for TYPE = 'I'
C-1645Invalid accounting rule id (ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID)Check whether you have set Id or Value for Accounting Rule in your Batch Source, for details review Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice (review setting in Accounting Information tab)

Check that the value provided exists in RA_RULES.RULE_ID for TYPE = 'I'
C-1647Invalid line type (LINE_TYPE)Check that the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE is one of the following:'LINE', 'TAX', 'FREIGHT', 'CHARGES'
C-1649You cannot supply freight charges when the Allow Freight option for your transaction type is No.Please review details in Note 1096942.1
C-1650Invalid FOB point (FOB_POINT).Check that the value in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.FOB_POINT exists as a LOOKUP_CODE in AR_LOOKUPS for LOOKUP_TYPE = 'FOB'
C-1651Invalid ship via (SHIP_VIA)Check that the value you populated into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.SHIP_VIA exists in ORG_FREIGHT.FREIGHT_CODE for the organization id you are using.

See also Note 274785.1 for a consolidated listing of causes/solutions
C-1652The supplied gl date is in a closed periodCheck the GL_DATE you provided and validate its status using Open/Close Accounting periods form, please review details in Note 1069057.1
C-1653Invalid currency code (CURRENCY_CODE)Check that the value you populated into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CURRENCY_CODE exists in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE
C-1654Invalid conversion type (CONVERSION_TYPE)Check that the value you populated into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.CONVERSION_TYPE exists in GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES.CONVERSION_TYPE
IBY_INVALID_XTENSION_ATTRIBA transaction attribute has an invalid value for its type, or a mandatory parameter is NULLPossible Cause: Mandatory Security Code is missing.

It is possible that in the past, the security code was not defined as mandatory, and the interface data was created at that time. However, during import of data the setup has changed such that security code is now mandatory. A workaround is to temporarily set it to not required so you can interface the old data successfully.

Responsibility: Payments Setup Administrator
Navigate:  Oracle Payments Setup > System Security Options

1) In the section Credit Card Owner Verification Control, set the value of Require Security Code Entry to "No" and save the changes.
2) Re-process the interface data
3) After successful processing, re-set the Require Security Code Entry to "Yes"
IBY_INVALID_XTENSION_GROUPExtensions in the copy group do not have the same values for payment channel, instrument assignment.Note 1176555.1, Autoinvoice Error: Extensions in the copy group do not have the same values for payment channel, instrument assignment.
JL_BR_AR_RAXTRX_FED_TR_SIT_INVPlease enter a valid Federal Tributary Situation for the transaction line.This error can be raised in an environment that uses a Brazilian consultation feature, because the code is passing a 3-digit value, whereas only 2-digits is expected.


Please apply Patch 8465589.
JL_BR_AR_RAXTRX_STA_TR_SIT_INVPlease enter a valid State Tributary Situation for the transaction line.This error can be raised in an environment that uses a Brazilian consultation feature, because the code is passing a 3-digit value, whereas only 2-digits is expected.


Please apply Patch 8465589.
ZX_REL_DOC_MISSINGRelated document information is missing in our ZX repository.Note 1288642.1, AutoInvoice Error: Related document information is missing in our ZX repository
ZX_PARTY_NOT_EXISTSA Party Tax Profile does not exist for this Party.Note 1338428.1, Autoinvoice Error: A Party Tax Profile Does Not Exist For This Party.

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